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Butterfly Ballet

These weekly classes introduce your child (from age 18 months upwards) to ballet training in an imaginative and creative way.

 Classes develop the key skills required in Ballet and also include the opportunity to dance 'The Butterfly Adventures' – a series of magical rhyming picture books written by organiser Catherine Loveless and adapted for each age group.

For children over the age of 5, the Royal Academy of Dance syllabus is taught and children can prepare for examinations from Pre-Primary level through to Grade 8.

The classes are run by Catherine Loveless (BA Hons, ARAD, PDTD) who trained at the Royal Ballet School and performed professionally with Dusseldorf Ballet and the English National Ballet.

07547 483 699 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Barn Elms Sports Pavillion

Venue: Barn Elms Sports Pavillion, Queen Elizabeth Walk, SW13 9SA


9.45 -10.15 a.m. Baby Ballet (18 months-2.5yrs)
10.15 -10.45 a.m. Nursery ballet (2.5yrs -4yrs)

St Osmund's Church Hall

St Osmunds Church Hall, 77 Castelnau, SW13 9RT


3.30-4.00pm  Nursery Ballet (2.4yrs -4yrs)
4.00 -4.40pm Junior Ballet (4yrs-5yrs)


9.00-9.30am Baby ballet (18monts -2.5yrs)
9.30 -10.00am Nursery ballet (2.5yrs -4yrs)
10.00 - 10.30am Nursery Ballet (2.5yrs -4yrs)
10.30 -11.10an Junior Ballet (4 yrs -5yrs)

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